The Spectrum of Bronchial Infection
The Spectrum of Bronchial Infection
Edited by Francesco Blasi and Marc Miravitlles
Lower respiratory tract infections are one the most frequent causes of medical consultation in primary care. They are also one of the main causes of emergency visits and hospital admissions. The majority of these infections occur in the bronchial tree and include a large spectrum of aetiologies and clinical manifestations, from mild acute bronchitis to severe bronchiectasis and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In this Monograph, a series of prestigious researchers and clinicians provide an overview of the advances in the pathogenesis, manifestations and new approaches to treatment of bronchial infection in a wide variety of clinical scenarios. This book offers the reader the best existing scientific evidence that can be applied to the care of patients with any kind of bronchial infection.
Contents list
1. Acute bronchitis: aetiology and treatment
2. Chronic bronchitis: a risk factor for bronchial infection
3. Sputum colour: a marker of bacterial infection
4. Chronic bronchial infection/colonisation: aetiology and mechanisms
5. Impact of chronic bronchial infection on the lungs and beyond
6. Definition and aetiology of infective exacerbations of COPD
7. The role of viruses in chronic bronchitis and exacerbations of COPD
8. Virusbacteria interactions in COPD exacerbations
9. Impact of exacerbations in the natural course of COPD
10. Antibiotic treatment and prevention of exacerbations of COPD
11. Definition and aetiology of non-CF bronchiectasis
12. The role of inhaled antibiotics in bronchial infection
13. Prevention and treatment of exacerbations of non-CF bronchiectasis
ISBN: 978-1-84984-034-7